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Latest Flash Exploit in Angler EK Might Not Really Be CVE-2015-0359 We have found an interesting discrepancy in how the Angler exploit kit targets Adobe Flash.The Angler exploit kit is known for its use of various Adobe Flash Player exploits. Reports have indicated that Angler has started targeting CVE-2015-0359, a vulnerability that was fixed in Adobe’s April 2015 update. CVE-2015-0359 is a race condition vulnerability that occurs because ByteArray::Write is no.. 더보기
Android 0-day vulnerability - Drive by download Security Issue: =============== It is possible to fool Android users into performing undesired actions on their devices. Namely, it is possible to force them downloading malicious applications without being aware of it. It seems to affect all versions of Android. Reference (source): =================== http://www.nes.fr/securitylab/?p=1865 Proof Of Concept: ================= https://www.youtube... 더보기
CVE-2015-1097: Deobfuscating iOS Kernel Pointers With an IBM X-Force-Discovered Vulnerability In January, Barak Gabai of the X-Force Application Security Research Team discovered an interesting information leak vulnerability in iOS IOKit IOMobileFramebuffer (CVE-2015-1097), which can be used to defeat the kernel address obfuscation mechanism available since iOS 6. The vulnerability was disclosed to Apple and has been fixed in iOS 8.3.In this blog post, I will provide a brief overview of .. 더보기
Hewlett-Packard Network Automation contains multiple vulnerabilities OverviewHP Network Automation versions 9.0x, 9.1x, 9.2x, and 10.x contain multiple vulnerabilities affecting the administrative web interface.DescriptionHP Network Automation versions 9.0x, 9.1x, 9.2x, and 10.x contain vulnerabilities in the administrative web interface, including multiple cross site request forgery (CSRF), cross-site scripting (XSS), and clickjacking issues.For more information.. 더보기
Denial of Service Attacks Possible with OpenSSL Vulnerability CVE-2015-1787 On March 19 we wrote about how OpenSSL disclosed and fixed 13 vulnerabilities to address several security holes. Among the vulnerabilities addressed was CVE-2015-1787, which can result in a complete denial of service on an application compiled with OpenSSL library. This blog post will tackle how the bug can be exploited, and how Trend Micro can protect against future possible attacks.CVE-2015-17.. 더보기
Web 사이트를 OS마다 강제 종료시키는 공격 코드 확인 (MS15-034) 2015 년 4 월 15 일에 공개 된 Microsoft 보안 업데이트 발표 " 2015 년 4 월 Microsoft 보안 공지 요약"에서 4 건의 취약성이 심각도"긴급 "고했다. 그 「긴급」의 하나 인 " MS15-034 "HTTP.sys의 취약점으로 인한 원격 코드 실행 문제점 (3042553) "취약점 (CVE-2015-1635)에 대해 이미 Web 서버 운영 체제 (OS)마다 강제 종료시키는 공격이 가능한 검증 코드 (PoC : Proof of Concept)가 공개되었습니다. 이 실증 코드는 공격이 매우 쉽다 위험이 높은 것이기 때문에 특히 취약에 해당하는 Windows에서 Web 사이트를 운영, 관리하는 관리자 분은 신속하게 업데이트 할 것을 권장합니다.이 MS15-034 취약점은 Window.. 더보기
Adobe 제품군 신규 취약점 보안 업데이트 권고 개요Adobe社는 Flash Player, ColdFusion 및 Flex에서 발생하는 취약점을 해결한 보안 업데이트를 발표[1][2][3]낮은 버전 사용자는 악성코드 감염에 취약할 수 있으므로 해결방안에 따라 최신버전으로 업데이트 권고 설명Adobe Flash Player의 22개 취약점에 대한 보안 업데이트를 발표[1]임의코드 실행으로 이어질 수 있는 메모리 손상 취약점(CVE-2015-0347, CVE-2015-0350, CVE-2015-0352, CVE-2015-0353, CVE-2015-0354, CVE-2015-0355, CVE-2015-0360, CVE-2015-3038, CVE-2015-3041, CVE-2015-3042, CVE-2015-3043)임의코드 실행으로 이어질 수 있는 type.. 더보기
MS15-034 Detection: Some Observations Several detection rules (SNORT, F5, …) are being published these days to detect exploitation of vulnerability MS15-034.If you are making or modifying such detection rules, I want to share some observations with you.MS15-034 can be exploited with a GET request with a specially crafted Range header.Here is the example we’ll use: Range: bytes=2-18446744073709551615Referring to RFC 2616 section 14.3.. 더보기
Microsoft Windows NTLM automatically authenticates via SMB when following a file:// URL OverviewSoftware running on Microsoft Windows that utilizes HTTP requests can be forwarded to a file:// protocol on a malicious server, which causes Windows to automatically attempt authentication via SMB to the malicious server in some circumstances. The encrypted form of the user's credentials are then logged on the malicious server. This vulnerability is alternatively known as "Redirect to SM.. 더보기
크롬업데이트 권고 Google has released Chrome 42.0.2311.90 for Windows, Mac, and Linux to address multiple vulnerabilities. Exploitation of one of these vulnerabilities may allow a remote attacker to take control of an affected system.http://googlechromereleases.blogspot.kr/2015/04/stable-channel-update_14.html 더보기