• Advisory ID: DRUPAL-SA-CORE-2017-001
  • Project: Drupal core
  • Version: 8.x
  • Date: 2017-March-15


Editor module incorrectly checks access to inline private files - Drupal 8 - Access Bypass - Critical - CVE-2017-6377

When adding a private file via a configured text editor (like CKEditor), the editor will not correctly check access for the file being attached, resulting in an access bypass.

Some admin paths were not protected with a CSRF token - Drupal 8 - Cross Site Request Forgery - Moderately Critical - CVE-2017-6379

Some administrative paths did not include protection for CSRF. This would allow an attacker to disable some blocks on a site. This issue is mitigated by the fact that users would have to know the block ID.

Remote code execution - Drupal 8 - Remote code execution - Moderately Critical - CVE-2017-6381

A 3rd party development library including with Drupal 8 development dependencies is vulnerable to remote code execution.

This is mitigated by the default .htaccess protection against PHP execution, and the fact that Composer development dependencies aren't normal installed.

You might be vulnerable to this if you are running a version of Drupal before 8.2.2. To be sure you aren’t vulnerable, you can remove the /vendor/phpunit directory from the site root of your production deployments.


Upgrade to Drupal 8.2.7

Reported by

Editor module incorrectly checks access to inline private files - Drupal 8 - Access Bypass - Critical - CVE-2017-6377

Some admin paths were not protected with a CSRF token - Drupal 8 - Cross Site Request Forgery - Moderately Critical - CVE-2017-6379

Remote code execution - Drupal 8 - Remote code execution - Moderately Critical - CVE-2017-6381

Fixed by

Editor module incorrectly checks access to inline private files - Drupal 8 - Access Bypass - Critical - CVE-2017-6377

Some admin paths were not protected with a CSRF token - Drupal 8 - Cross Site Request Forgery - Moderately Critical - CVE-2017-6379

Remote code execution - Drupal 8 - Remote code execution -Moderately Critical - CVE-2017-6381