Just a quick update on the SChannel problem (MS14-066, CVE-2014-6321). So far, there is still no public available exploit for the vulnerability, and details are still sparse. But apparently, there is some progress in developing a working exploit. For example, this tweet by Dave Aitel :
Overall: Keep patching, but I hope your weekend will not be disrupted by a major new exploit being released.
Emerging Threats also released some public/free snort rules that promise to cover the various vulnerabilities patched by MS14-066. (http://emergingthreats.net/daily-ruleset-update-summary-11132014/)
I also got a VERY experimental scanner that may be helpful scanning for unpatched hosts. This scanner does not scan for the vulnerability. Instead, it scans for support for the 4 new ciphers that were added with MS14-066. Maybe someone finds it helpful. Let me know if it works. It is a bash script and uses openssl on Unix. You will need at least openssl version 1.0.1h (and you need to connect directly to the test server, not a proxy).
See: https://isc.sans.edu/diaryimages/MSFT1466test.sh (sig: MSFT1466test.sh.asc)
feedback welcome.