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일본은행, 3만대의 윈XP 윈도8로 업그레이드 일본은행, 3만대의 윈XP 윈도8로 업그레이드 4월 8일 마이크로소프트의 윈도 XP 지원 중단에 앞서 몇 주전에, 일본의 한 은행 그룹은 3만대의 윈도 XP기반의 클라이언트 터미널을 윈도 8로 이전 완료하였다. 레소나 홀딩스는 2년 전부터 이전 작업을 시작하였다. 아직도 전세계 PC의 27%가 윈도 XP를 사용하고 있다고 추정하고 있다.http://www.zdnet.com/japanese-bank-beats-xp-deadline-moves-30000-terminals-to-windows-8-7000027964/ 더보기
YAHOO! Now Encrypts Everything; Encrypted Yahoo Messenger Coming Soon ON HIGH-PRIORITY YAHOO! is finally rolling out encryption implementation over their site and services in order to protect users. Yahoo is rapidly becoming one of the most aggressive supporters of encryption, as in January this year Yahoo enabled the HTTPS connections by default, that automatically encrypts the connections between users and its email service. November last year, Yahoo revealed pl.. 더보기
Vulnerability in World's Largest Site Turned Million of Visitors into DDoS Zombies An application layer or 'layer 7' distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks is one of the most complicated web attack that disguised to look like legitimate traffic but targets specific areas of a website, making it even more difficult to detect and mitigate. Just Yesterday Cloud-based security service provider 'Incapsula' detected a unique application layer DDoS attack, carried out using tra.. 더보기
Android Botnet Targets Middle East Banks I recently encountered a botnet targeting Android smartphone users who bank at financial institutions in the Middle East. The crude yet remarkably effective mobile bot that powers this whole operation comes disguised as one of several online banking apps, has infected more than 2,700 phones, and has intercepted at least 28,000 text messages.The botnet — which I’ve affectionately dubbed “Sandroid.. 더보기
Millions of Vulnerable Routers aiding Massive DNS Amplification DDoS Attacks The Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is becoming more sophisticated and complex with the increase in the skills of attackers and so, has become one of favorite weapon for the cyber criminals to temporarily suspend or crash the services of a host connected to the Internet and till now nearly every big site had been a victim of this attack. Since 2013, Hackers have adopted new tactics t.. 더보기
LinkedIn Hack Tool Exposes Users' Emails without Exploiting Any Vulnerability A Free Chrome, Firefox and Safari web browser plugin floating around the web, called 'Sell Hack' allows users to view the hidden email address of any LinkedIn user, means anyone can grab email addresses that we use for professional purposes. When installed, the 'Sell Hack' plugin will pop up a 'Hack In' button on LinkedIn profiles and further automatically mines email addresses of LinkedIn users.. 더보기
Amazon Is Downloading Apps From Google Play and Inspecting Them I got the following email from Amazon about one of our Android apps that used our AWS credentials as simple strings in the app itself. Clearly Amazon or someone working with them downloaded our app from the Google Play Store and decompiled and/or otherwise inspected them perhaps using the Unix strings command.We’ve since fixed this problem, but my guess is that I am not alone in using credential.. 더보기
DNS-Based Amplification Attacks Key on Home Routers DNS providers Nominum have published new data on DNS-based DDoS amplification attacks that are using home and small office routers as a jumping off point.The provider said that in February alone, more than five million home routers were used to generate attack traffic; that number represents more than one-fifth of the 24 million routers online that have open DNS proxies.The impact hits Internet .. 더보기
Most Sophisticated Android Bootkit Malware ever Detected; Infected Millions of Devices Hardly two month ago we reported about the first widely spread Android Bootkit malware, dubbed as 'Oldboot.A', which infected more than 500,000 Smartphone users worldwide with Android operating system in last eight months, especially in China. Oldboot is a piece of Android malware that's designed to re-infect Mobile devices even after a thorough cleanup. It resides in the memory of infected devi.. 더보기
Update Your Safari Browser to Patch Two Dozen of Critical Vulnerabilities So, is your Safari Web Browser Updated?? Make sure you have the latest web browser updated for your Apple Macintosh systems, as Apple released Safari 6.1.3 and Safari 7.0.3 with new security updates. These Security updates addresses multiple vulnerabilities in its Safari web browser, which has always been the standard browser for Mac users. This times not five or ten, in fact about two dozen. Ap.. 더보기