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FINDING ADVANCED MALWARE USING VOLATILITY THIS IS A BETA VERSION OF THE ARTICLEFINDING ADVANCED MALWARE USING VOLATILITYby Monnappa KaWhat you should know What you will learnBasic understanding of malwareKnowledge of operating system processesUnderstanding of Windows Internals Performing memory forensicsTools and techniques to detect advanced malware using Memory forensicsVolatility usage When an organization is a victim of advanced mal.. 더보기
좋은코드 작성하기 http://jdlab.org/wp/?p=1074&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=%25ec%25a2%258b%25ec%259d%2580-%25ec%25bd%2594%25eb%2593%259c-%25ec%259e%2591%25ec%2584%25b1%25ed%2595%2598%25ea%25b8%25b0-2 더보기
China vs US, cyber superpowers compared IntroductionIn the last months, the press agencies and government official bulletins have reported several news regarding continuous cyber-attacks having Chinese origin, most of them with cyber espionage purpose, but the risk for sabotage operations is concrete and not to underestimate. The country that suffers the Chinese offensive most of all is the US. The official list of cyber-attacks that .. 더보기
[3월2주] 유럽위원회(EC), 커넥티드카 표준화를 위한 초기 작업 완료 등 - 유럽위원회(EC), 커넥티드카 표준화를 위한 초기 작업 완료 - 미국 공공 영역의 빅데이터 활성화 수준, 여전히 미흡 - 싱가폴 정부, 온라인 상 괴롭힘에 대한 처벌 관련 법 개정안 상정 - 페이스북, 모바일 메시징 회사 왓츠앱 인수 발표 - 日 총무성, 클라우드 서비스 보안 가이드 라인(안) 공개 - EC-구글 반독점 위반 분쟁 종료 - 호주정부, 2014년 3월 12일부터 개인정보보호법 수정안 발표 - 파이어아이, 아이폰 및 아이패드 사용자 감시가 가능한 보안 취약점 발견 - 日 라쿠텐, 무료 메신저 Viber 인수 더보기
비정형 데이터 활성화의 정치경제문화적 함의 비정형 데이터 활성화의 정치경제문화적 함의 더보기
개인정보 법·제도 개선방안 연구* 출처 : 한국인터넷진흥원 더보기
What’s New In Python 3.4 What’s New In Python 3.4 http://docs.python.org/3/whatsnew/3.4.html?utm_source=Python+Weekly+Newsletter&utm_campaign=8d9f1256ee-Python_Weekly_Issue_131_March_20_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_9e26887fc5-8d9f1256ee-312688401 더보기
Distributing a Python command line application Distributing a Python command line application In this article I show how to create a minimal Python command line application, called ‘bootstrap’. I describe how to set it up for publication on PyPI, after which the user can conveniently install it via pip install bootstrap. The installation immediately makes the ‘bootstrap’ command available to the user — for convenient invocation on Unix as we.. 더보기
What is Django and Steps to install Django What is Django ? steps to install Django.Django, it is an open source Web development framework that saves you time and makes Web development a joy. Using Django, you can build and maintain high-quality Web applications with minimal effort.Django is written in Python, a general purpose language that is well suited for developing web applications. Django loosely follows a model-view-controller de.. 더보기
PyFilesystem PyFilesystemA filesystem abstraction layer for PythonPyFilesystem is an abstraction layer for filesystems. In the same way that Python's file-like objects provide a common way of accessing files, PyFilesystem provides a common way of accessing entire filesystems. You can write platform-independent code to work with local files, that also works with any of the supported filesystems (zip, ftp, S3 .. 더보기