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Remote code execution on Android devices AndroidTom Sutcliffe and Thomas CoudrayYou walk into a coffee shop and take a seat. While waiting for your coffee, you take out your smartphone and start playing a game you downloaded the other day. Later, you go to work and check your email in the elevator. Without you knowing, an attacker has just gained a foothold in your corporate network and is steadily infecting all your colleagues’ smartp.. 더보기
IM 프로토콜에 대한 Noodling 지난 몇 달은 블로그 부서에서 조금 느린왔다. 그것은가는 흥미 진진한 일이있을 때 블로그 어렵다. 또한 : I의 슈팅이 조금있었습니다. 내가 할 수있는 어느 것도 반 서면 두 개 또는 세 개의 게시물이 아주 문을 얻을 수 있습니다. 대신 작성하고 다시 같은 글을 다시 쓰기, 내가 제목을 변경하여 교착 상태를 깰 수 있습니다 생각. 일반적으로이 작업을 수행하는 가장 쉬운 방법은 어떤 임의의 프로토콜을 선택하고 우리가 배운 것을 확인하기 위해 잠시 동안 그것을 찌를 것입니다. 오늘 보는거야 프로토콜은 특히 '무작위'하지 - 그들은 모두 인기있는 암호화 된 인스턴트 메시징 프로토콜입니다. 첫 번째는 OTR (기록 메시징 오프). 두 번째는 Cryptocat의 그룹 채팅 프로토콜입니다.이러한 프로토콜 각각 같은.. 더보기
Exploiting XPath injection vulnerabilities with XCat Exploiting XPath injection vulnerabilities with XCat I just released XCat 0.7, the companion tool to this paper. XCat is a command line tool to automate the exploitation of Blind XPath Injection Vulnerabilities with some pretty cool techniques: the most interesting being that it can automate out of bounds attacks to massively speed up extraction of data. In English that means that it can turn a .. 더보기
pwn4fun Spring 2014 - Safari - Part I Posted by Ian Beer Back in March this year I entered the pwn4fun hacking contest at CanSecWest [ http://www.pwn2own.com/2014/03/pwning-lulzand-charity/ ] targeting Safari running on a brand new MacBook Air. In this first post I’ll detail how I got code execution within the Safari renderer sandbox using a bug in its javascript engine JavaScriptCore. In the second part I’ll explain how I broke out.. 더보기
Pintool + IDAPython for Enhancing Static RE on Windows 더보기
The talk about de-anonymizing Tor at the BlackHat conference has been removed UPDATE: A Black Hat spokeswoman told Reuters that the talk had been canceled at the request of lawyers for Carnegie-Mellon University, where the speakers work as researchers. A CMU spokesman had no immediate comment.UPDATE2: As posted by Roger on the Tor-Talk mailing list:Hi folks, Journalists are asking us about the Black Hat talk on attacking Tor that got cancelled. We're still working with CE.. 더보기
Get in Gear for “Network Forensics” at Black Hat 2014: Use Digital Clues to Track Down the Breeches Warehouse Hacker A representative of Breeches Warehouse, a leading retailer of breeches and other apparel, has just given you a call. He sounds frantic. He explains that a phishing email slipped through the Breeches Warehouse spam filter and reached all staff inboxes. The email looked official and promised a free prize in exchange for downloading and filling out a survey. One staff member made the mistake of dow.. 더보기
Initial SwishDbgExt WinDbg DFIR Debugging Extension release ! SwishDbgExt is a Microsoft WinDbg debugging extension that expands the set of available commands by Microsoft WinDbg, but also fixes and improves existing commands.DescriptionThis extension has been developed by Matt Suiche (@msuiche) – feel free to reach out on Twitter (even better, on the mailing list) to ask for more features, offer to contribute and/or report bugs.Mailing-List: https://group.. 더보기
Setting up a dynamic Android testbed Part III: Inspecting and modifying local storage In this blogpost series, we attempt to setup a dynamic Android testbed which exhibits the following features: Inspect and modify all traffic generated by the mobile application(s) under assessment Inspect and modify all local storage generated by the mobile application(s) under assessment In Part I we discussed the choice between an emulated or physical environment and compared the capabilities .. 더보기
OfficeMalScanner helps identify the source of a compromise While working a recent forensics case I had the opportunity to spread the proverbial wings a bit and utilize a few tools I had not prior. In the midst of building my forensic timeline I set out to determine the initial attack vector, operating on the assumption that it was either web-based content via a malicious ad or a site compromised with a web exploit kit, or was a malicious link or documen.. 더보기