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어베스트 2014 sp1 베타 업데이트

avast! 새 베타 버전이 나왔습니다. 정식 버전이 아닌 테스트 목적의 베타 버전이므로 사용시 일부 불안정한 부분이 있을 수 있으니 유의 바랍니다. 정식 버전과 마찬가지로 한글 메뉴도 지원합니다. 내려받는 속도가 다소 느린 편이니 IDM이나 Orbit Downloader와 같은 전문 다운로드 프로그램을 사용하는 것이 좋겠습니다.

아래는 포럼에 올라온 공지 사항 전문입니다.


Hi all,

We are more than happy to announce AVAST 2014 R3 SP1 Beta (build number 9.0.2017).
It's only two weeks sice the last program update and we are introducing you another public
build, which we hope will result in your hapiness. Final release date should in approx. 1 week.

We're introducing several important pieces in this release:

* Stream Filtering -- fixed stability and compatibility issues, it's running smooth and fast now, so no more browsing problems :-)

* Firewall -- the firewall should be more stable and with better compatibility with other network applications. we spent a lot time analyzing various dumps you provided to us to increase
your confidence level.

* Android protection - we can protect (if you wish) your Android phones and tablets with avast! Free Mobile Security (through your active Google Account) automatically (during the installation
or update). NOTE: We will launch this functinality tomorrow, please be patient

* A lot of fixed issues your reported to us, thanks for your feedback (as usual :-)

Download locations

avast! cleaner:

Known issues
* ARA is sometimes not working properly

It should be possible to install this version on top of your existing avast! installation (all settings should be preserved).

Any feedback is appreciated! https://feedback.avast.com/response/add

thanks a lot,


출처 - http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=148633.0